I came to Taiwan from Canada in the summer of 1996, and I taught at an English cram school for ten years, quitting in 2006. Since then, I've done home tutoring, and l've done lectures for the Chupei Senior High School. As a teacher, I enjoy the opportunity not only to help Taiwanese improve their English, but also to broaden their cultural horizons by introducing them to ideas not normally dealt with in their local schools.
I teach by having my students practice their reading and writing skills, getting them to practice conversation by asking them questions related to the readings, and I'll teach them lots of new words by writing them on the board and explaining them, along with indicating what part of speech they are.
As far as imparting ideals and points of view are concerned, I try to encourage attitudes that promote social justice, cooperation instead of competition, open mindedness, and opposition to the evils of materialism and war. When students do well, I'll say, "Good!" emphatically to encourage more of the same. I will, however, challenge them when I see mistakes; for after all, we learn through our mistakes, not through illusions that we're doing better than we really are.
Below is a link to my blog, on which I write about a variety of topics (though they're generally for adult readers).
教務長 Ms. Claire 的推薦:
Teacher Martin 在台已有超過25年的教學經驗,教授空中英語教室進階菁英課程與兒童讀本美語課程。有別於一般外籍教師僅以語言教學為主,Teacher Martin 是一位國際知名部落客,擅長以各種科普、歷史、人文、環境教育等各式角度帶領孩子思考國際時事,並提供多樣化補充,引領孩子進行多元深入思考。Teacher Martin 相當有才、是一位愛心滿滿、唱作俱佳的全方位教師。
加拿大 McMaster University 文學院畢業